Sunday, August 2, 2009

Post/Pre Sand Volume map

This map shows the shore configuration using a comparison of the pre storm coast subtracted from the post storm coast to show the change in sand volume using the Spatial Analyst raster calculator. The map is more detailed then the Cut/Fill map but the tendencies are the same in both maps. The hurricane moved large amounts of sand from the near shore area up the beach due to storm surge and wave action.

Cut/Fill Raster Image

The Cut/Fill tool in Spatial Analyst shows how Hurricane Ivan changed the configuration of the shoreline. It is apparent that the storm surge pulled large volumes of sand from the near shore area and deposited the sand further up on the beach.

Pre-Hurricane DEM

This LIDAR image of the Gulf Shores area is before Hurricane Ivan struck. My sand volume is 5 percent higher than it would have been if I was able to use the extract tool in Spatial Analyst to crop the image to the size of the shapefile. The software returned an error code 99999 which was a generic error. Further investigation would have been to look at the log file but time was too short so after a few tries such as reboot, reloading of data and changing load order the decision was made to complete the lab as is.